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North Lawndale is about 2 miles wide and about 1.5 miles deep, with a population of approximately 38,000 people. In spite of this small land mass and decreasing population, it is home to about 185 nonprofit organizations that are registered with the State of Illinois. In addition, there are more than 187 churches, a number of which are involved in community development activities extending beyond the walls of the church. This does not include informal groups, schools, parks, ministries and many block clubs. The organizations include new startups with 3 board members and no employees on one end of the spectrum, as well as 100 year old institutions with a couple thousand employees. Churches, nonprofit organizations and institutions comprise a significant portion of the economic base for North Lawndale and surrounding communities. The changes in the economic environment have led to substantial increases in the level of competition among nonprofits.


Fresh Moves Rolling in North Lawndale & Austin

Todd Thomas

Nykia Moore and Dara Cooper of Fresh Moves..

Shopping on the Fresh Moves Bus..

Continue reading Fresh Moves Rolling in North Lawndale & Austin


Elder Karis Owens (middle with bullhorn), of the Lawndale Body of Christ
church, urges local residents to pray and meditate during the Unity Tour K2K
Prayer Line event Wednesday evening.

Chicago Alderman Michael Chandler (24th Ward), second from right,
gathers with Unity Tour representatives during the K2K Prayer Line event held
last Wednesday evening along 16th street in North Lawndale.

State Representative Art Turner, Jr (24th Ward), center, gathers with Unity
Tour representatives during the K2K Prayer Line


Legal Prep Charter School

David Tenorio

A special luncheon will be held on Thursday, September 20 from 12 noon to 2 pm to celebrate the opening of the area’s most recent charter school, the Legal Prep Charter Academy, located at 4319 W. Washington Blvd. Legal Prep actually opened its doors for its first students on August 20, but will utilize the luncheon to officially celebrate the school opening and to inform the public and interested parties of what the school’s mission actually is. “Opening to our first freshman class this year, Legal Prep addresses important areas of need both within the education and legal communities,” said Rather A. Stanton, Director of Development and cofounder of the school.

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Brandon Johnson

The great scholar and social scientist Dr. W.E.B. DuBois once said, “The first great mass movement for public education at the expense of the state … came from the Negro.” As an African-American educator and the great, great grandson of slaves, I carry the burden of knowing my ancestors’ hope for education is being realized through me and that as a teacher of mostly black children, it is my duty to infuse my classroom with a passion for learning and academic excellence. My desire to teach is fueled by the simple premise that people should be treated equally, regardless of their color or class, and everyone should have access to a free, high-quality education.


Better Boys Foundation

David Tenorio

The Better Boys Foundation (BBF), located at 1512 S. Pulaski Road in North Lawndale, has come up with a novel way to raise money for one of its youth labs; a KNIT IN. Like its name, the KNIT IN is designed as the crafters’ alternative to a charity walk, run or race, and will be held on Saturday, September 22 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the BBF Center.

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North Lawndale College Prep Anniversary Dinner

David Tenorio

Alumni, current students, interested parents and school staff will gather together for a special evening on Saturday, September 22 at the Pompeii Restaurant as North Lawndale College Prep (NLCP) celebrates the 10th anniversary of its first graduating class. The anniversary dinner is scheduled to begin at 6:30 pm and will include governmental officials who will recognize the school’s achievements and students. NLCP opened in 1998 originally to meet a community need to create a neighborhood high school that provides an academically rigorous, yet socially emotionally supportive, small school environment for area students enrolled in grades 9-12. North Lawndale College Prep has been an outstanding example of what charter schools can do in an economically disadvantaged community.

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Nonprofit Compliance

Don’t let problems with filing paper work for state and federal regulators keep your organization from fulfilling its mission. Last year, over 18,000 Illinois nonprofits lost tax exempt status because they did not complete an annual financial return (Form 990 for three consecutive years.) About a third of the organizations were based in Chicago, with more than 500 coming from North and South Lawndale and East and West Garfield. There are countless other organizations that have difficulty understanding these forms, let alone, know that state agencies have filing requirements and resources to make them stronger.

As a result, many nonprofits are not in a position to grow to their fullest potential. Given that a number of nonprofit organizations have, or will soon come to the end of their fiscal year, I thought I’d share an occasional reminder to be sure to  File Annual Reports to the Secretary of State. The due date depends upon when the corporation was formed. The annual report is due before the first day of the corporation’s anniversary month each year. The anniversary month is the month in which the corporation was formed. Annual Fee: $10.00 Late Fee: $3.00 Failure to file an annual report may result in involuntary dissolution of the corporation.

Continue reading Nonprofit Compliance


Ms. Chevette M. Conley

Why are so many Men and Women dealing with Health related problems? Are we really taking care of our bodies? People in some religions consider their bodies as Temples. This means that they take very good care of their bodies by watching what they put in to it, as well as what they put on their bodies. They respect their body, as a sacred place. Maybe there is something to this way of living and thinking. So many of us, are struggling with obesity. Our diets are the main problem. Over two thirds of all Americans are overweight and half that number are obese or (dangerously overweight).